Online Forms

West Valley Pet Clinic provides our forms online so that you can fill them out in the comfort of your own home and at your convenience. You can easily complete and submit the form on our website by selecting the one you need below!

Authorized Persons Form

Client Details


Permission to Treat / Veterinarian Authorization Form

Appointment Questionnaire

"*" indicates required fields

Okay to receive SMS messages?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Have you noticed any of the following symptoms?

"*" indicates required fields

Owner Information

Okay to receive SMS messages?
Okay to receive SMS messages?

Pet Information

How determined- blood, feather, eye color, etc


List all people in household and people who interact with bird on a regular basis.

Other Household Pets

#1 Sex
#2 Sex
#3 Sex
#4 Sex
#5 Sex

Acquisition Information:

Acquired From*
Wild Caught?




Bathing / Misting
Indicate whether bird does any of the following behaviors: (Press Control & click to select more than one option)

Problem Behavior

Treatment Given

What, if anything, have you done to try to treat the problem (medical treatment, behavioral therapy, medications, supplements, herbs, etc.) and indicate if the attempted treatment made the problem better, worse or did the behavior not change due to treatment?
First Treatment Result: Behavior Better, Worse, or no change?
Second Treatment Result: Behavior Better, Worse, or no change?
Third Treatment Result: Behavior Better, Worse, or no change?
Four Treatment Result: Behavior Better, Worse, or no change?
Fifth Treatment Result: Behavior Better, Worse, or no change?
Sixth Treatment Result: Behavior Better, Worse, or no change?
Seventh Treatment Result: Behavior Better, Worse, or no change?
Eighth Treatment Result: Behavior Better, Worse, or no change?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.